Thanks to Kathleen for compiling this list!
Accessing our shared "M" drive (Instructions for a PC):
- Apply online for your GATORONE Card at
- Lab (Room #80, FL Gym Basement)
- Email Michael Murphy ([email protected]). He will send you a PDF form to print/fill out. Susie Weldon or Michael Balkom needs to sign the form. Drop the form off @ Michael Murphy's office (FL Gym #150) and he can give you a key!
- Your keys get you into the lab & also into the building after hours. However, they only open some of the main doors into FL gym & at each entrance, they only open the right-most door
- Check which keys your officemates have.
- Postdocs --> Make sure you get the key that unlocks the main lab door AND your office door within the lab
- Email Michael Murphy ([email protected]). He will send you a PDF form to print/fill out. Susie Weldon or Michael Balkom needs to sign the form. Drop the form off @ Michael Murphy's office (FL Gym #150) and he can give you a key!
- Libraries
- Graduate Student Floor in Library
- Accessing the library and articles online (e.g., Google Scholar)? You'll need to be on UF's VPN (see below)
- IRB Training
- You need to have a ufl email and gatorlink account
- You'll need to be on UF's VPN (instructions below)
- Start here.
- Click on Training Requirements on the left.
- You will need to request an account from the IRB. It typically takes them a couple of days to process this before you are added to the system & study IRB protocol.
- Signing up for classes
- Need to "clear all holds" on your account before signing up for classes; this includes getting a doctor to sign an immunization form and emailing it to UF
- Sign up at:
- Graduate Information Management System (GIMS)
- Haven't had to use this yet, but this looks like where you track your progress. You just need to sign on using your Gatorlink account information
- Transportation
- Bus
- You can ride all busses for free with Gator1 card
- Bikes
- You can rent bikes for the semester/year here:
- Bike Shops (if you decide to buy, get a good lock and register your bike with the gainesville police ( because apparently there are A LOT of thefts here)
- Bike Works
- Gator Cycle
- Super Cool Bike Shop
- Bus
- Parking on Campus
- DECALS: Parking decals can be ordered online for students and will be mailed to you.
- STUDENTS: You can pay weekly ($15), monthly ($35), semester ($80) ($160), or annually for parking passes. If you are deciding between semester or annual passes, note that for semester this does NOT include summer, so you will have to pay an additional $80 on top of the two $80 for each semester (total: $240), whereas annual includes summer in the $160 price.
- When you apply they will know if you are a graduate student or other type of student etc. When you enter your gatorlink info.
- On the parking map ( green areas are for graduate students, and anywhere that it says "Any decal" you can park.
- Welcome Center Parking Garage (Museum Rd & Reitz Union Drive): A surefire place to park if you just need to run errands on campus during the day (cost = $2/hour)
- Gym/Rec Facilities:
- I haven't tried to use the gym yet, but I think as long as you are enrolled as an active student, you can use your Gator1 card to access the gyms/pools on campus and Lake Wauburg for free; I'm checking with the department to see if they cover our "activity fee" to be able to use these things
- Health Insurance:
- You can opt out of the Gator GradCare health insurance if you have your own (
- NSF = different; United HealthCare
- ALEX --> UF’s employee benefits online advisor for picking health plans based on expected needs:
- Computing:
- You get 1 TB of free online storage through OneDrive (like Google Drive; can create/collaborate on docs with people & upload docs from your computer to here)
- Download and install the CISCO AnyConnect for whatever type of computer you have. Log in with your UF username & you're on!
- UF Wifi
- To access UF wifi (in the lab and maybe other parts of campus) you will need to go here: follow the steps for the autoconfiguration and install using Cloudpath and Safeconnect for your computer. NOTE: you will need to access this website using the Safari web browser in order to install UF wifi configuration on your phone before you go to your settings and enable UF (wifi) in your phone.
- If you complete the anual password change, please update the wifi settings as soon as possible. For iOS, go Settings->General->Profile. Remove or renew the current certification and connect to the wifi again. For MacOS, go Settings->Profile, the rest is the same.
- UF Wifi
- HiPerGator Lab Server
- HiPerGator has a great wiki page with detailed instructions about how to get up and running:
- Kathleen: initially, I couldn't get this to work, so I emailed Larry Oshins ([email protected]) and he fixed it for me.
- For each person in your lab whom you would like to have access to your data you will need to have them request a HiPerGator account under your sponsorship via the HiPerGator Account Request Page at
Accessing our shared "M" drive (Instructions for a PC):
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