Driving Directions to NBL
Directions for Research Participants
Our physical address is: Room 080, 1864 Stadium Rd, Gainesville, FL 32608. If you get lost, please call 352-294-1748 and ask for directions. Our building is the “Florida Gym” and is located next to the Football Stadium. When you arrive, please call us and we will meet you with a parking pass.
From Gale Lemerand Drive, turn on to Stadium Road. As you pass the stadium there is a ramp that leads up to the stadium. DO NOT TURN HERE. Instead, turn at the next left at the driveway that goes down beneath the stadium.
Our physical address is: Room 080, 1864 Stadium Rd, Gainesville, FL 32608. If you get lost, please call 352-294-1748 and ask for directions. Our building is the “Florida Gym” and is located next to the Football Stadium. When you arrive, please call us and we will meet you with a parking pass.
From Gale Lemerand Drive, turn on to Stadium Road. As you pass the stadium there is a ramp that leads up to the stadium. DO NOT TURN HERE. Instead, turn at the next left at the driveway that goes down beneath the stadium.